Relationship/Soul to Soul Reading

Relationship/Soul to Soul Reading

Our relationships, whether it is with friends, children, lovers, spouses or coworkers (or any other relationship), all offer GREAT opportunities for our growth and evolution. In fact our relationships are truly some of the greatest catalysts for change. But often we miss these chances because we don't see them for what they are; rather than recognizing the lessons being presented to us they can seem like challenges that we would rather avoid. Through a relationship reading however, the client gains understanding of the reason/s that your soul has chosen this relationship and what lessons you both "signed up" to learn through it. This reading also identifies karmic and energetic patterns that might be contributing to difficulties that are present in the relationship. With these understandings and clearing you can more easily allow the relationship to work for you, end destructive patterns, and move into a state of greater peace and happiness.

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